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There are only four people behind our family owned business you need to know, Brent, Adam and Luke Carpenter joined by Louis Cochran.  Just like too many cooks spoil the broth, we found that you don’t need any more people working on your car.

This also allows us to give you the attention you require.

Here are Pakuranga Automotive we don’t just know your car we take the time to get to know you and your needs.

Brent has been working on various forms of machinery from cars, boats, trucks or industrial equipment since the late 70s.

Adam knows motorsport like the back of his palm and started racing when he was a teenager.

Louis might as well be part of the family; he’s been around for almost a decade and is meticulous in his work.

It’s this collective knowledge and experience that makes them the best at what they do.

Luke is the glue that make sure these guys have what they to diagnose, fix or service anything that comes through their doors

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